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6 Study Tips for Exam Season

Bridget Kitching, Contributor

With exam week looming closer and closer, Saunders students may feel nervous, overwhelmed and stressed by all of the studying, reviewing and work that exam season entails. But never fear! Here are some tips and tricks to help prepare for your first exam.

1. The Pomodoro Time Method

The Pomodoro Time Method is a time management trick used by thousands of students across the world. It goes as follows: Do 25 minutes of focused study, followed by a 5-minute break, rinse and repeat for as long as needed. Each cycle of a 25-minute work period and a 5-minute break is called a Pomodoro, after 4 Pomodoros, a 15-minute break is taken. This trick can make tasks less daunting, reduce burnout and improve attention span and focus.

2. Make a Schedule

Making a study schedule can prevent cramming and stress before an exam. By planning and spacing exam review out over a few days, it will allow more time to relax and decompress. It is important, however, to make sure to complete studying goals for each day as falling behind can increase feelings of nervousness and anxiety.

3. Practice on Old Exams

Practicing on old exams can help with memorization, review and understanding. Additionally, using old tests from past school years can help preparation for an exam environment, teaching you what to expect when you take your first test.

4. Flashcards

Flashcards are a great way to review and memorize definitions and other important facts that might be on an exam. Flashcards use retrieval practice (a method of deliberately recalling information to retain it) to help memorization. By using flashcards, students can make studying easier and more efficient.

5. Use Technology

In a world with ever-evolving and innovative technology, students can find plenty of apps and websites to help them with revision. Websites such as Quizlet and Khan Academy can help users understand and retain information on devices instead of paper.

6. Enforce Habits to Reduce Stress

Exam season is always stressful, but doing things like meditation, journaling and self-care can help students become less anxious and more productive. It is important to take time for relaxation, hobbies and other recreational activities to improve and maintain good mental health.

No matter how hard you study, it is almost inevitable that feelings of nervousness will be present leading up to exams. Good luck to all Saunders students studying for exams, remember to revise, work together and do some self-care to prepare for the big testing week ahead!

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